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Get Paid when others Watch TV

TV is 276 Billion Dollar a Year Monopoly and We are Disrupting the Way People Watch and Pay & your Invited to Profit!

Level Up your Income

And Achieve The Life, Freedom, And Happiness You Deserve

The Next Shiny Object

People are always Jumping to the Next Shiny Object and Cable TV and Online TV is No Different ! People Want the Best Deal !

Why Should You Join Today?

Simple ! We have a Service Everyone Needs at the Best Price..

Easy for you to Make Money with our Done for You Website
English and Spanish Website
We have FREE Leads for you !
Free Google and Facebook Ads Training
Done For you Ads Service

Step 1

Signup as a Binge TV user and you will get an email with your account info and the Affiliate Link to Sign up ( user account $39/Mo )

Step 2

Be Sure to Create your Affiliate Account with the Same email you use for the Binge TV account ( $79 Fee for Website / Mo )

Step 3

Our Fast Track Team will setup your Done for you Site and call you to go over a few options to Grow your Business and Team

Grow Like a Pro.

The Goal is to get you to 1000 Subscribers in the first 6 Months


People Rarely Cancel Service because the Price is TOO GOOD

Get Your Service FREE

It's that Simple invite 4 people and your Service is Free
Binge TV

Unlimited Earning Potential

$10 /Month for each Paying Customer with No CAP on Commissions Paid Out to You!

Write Your Own Checks

Service + Website = PayDay

People are Looking for Alternative and Affordable TV options instead of over Priced Cable and Satellite TV .. GET PAID FOR Helping them SWITCH OVER! 200 Users Bonus $4,000 Payout

Binge Pays
Binge Starter
Binge Fast Track
Binge Platinum 100 Affiliates
Binge Signups

Per signup pays $10/mo per signup

$10 / Mo
$20 / Mo
Fast Track Bonus

20 signups in your First 30 Days pays $20/mo per signup on all your Signups after the 20

$20 / Mo
Per Affiliate

$10/ mo payout per Affiliate

$10 / Mo
Platinum Per Affiliate

$20/ mo payout per Affiliate

$10 / Mo

Have a question or want more information? Contact our Affiliate Support after signing up

Affiliate Income is a performance based business and all Affiliates can earn unlimited monthly Residual income who put in the time or marketing efforts.